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There is a lot of advice on the internet on how to retain skilled workers. It all comes down to basic psychology. People stay where they feel valued, respected, and like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. Keeping skilled workers will require you to show great leadership skills that inspire. Following these seven steps will help make your team feel they can accomplish anything and that they mean something to you and the customers they serve.

1. Lead

Simon Sinek is thought to be an expert on leadership and speaks at events all over the country. He will tell you that leadership is a choice and that people choose to follow you. If you decide to be a poor leader, they will stop following you. To retain skilled workers, you need to give them a reason to stay with you, and paychecks only take your workers so far. Sinek said, “Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.” We are passionate about what we do when the people and circumstances around our jobs create an environment where we thrive and grow. A great leader finds what their team is good at and encourages them to keep growing in those skills.

Watch: How to be a Leader – Motivational Speech by Simon Sinek

2. Set Clear Expectations

Setting clear expectations is like giving great driving directions. When directions are clear, it’s almost as if you reached your destination in no time at all and the ride was so much more pleasant. When directions are vague, it’s hard to get to where you’re going efficiently.

Sometimes, providing directions on what you do every day can be very difficult because you’re used to it. You’ve taken this road so many times that you know where each turn and pothole is. But what is intuitive to you through your years of experience may not be as intuitive to your team. Assign clear tasks to ensure that your workers understand how to complete their tasks from beginning to end. Take it slow and ask for confirmation that they understand what they need to do.

3. Encourage Open Communication

Create an environment where your skilled workers feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Ask your workers for their input, then listen and be the last to speak. Hear the full thought, reflect on it, and then respond. Make sure to recognize anything that could potentially be a great idea. If something is mentioned that won’t work, let the worker know you heard them and why the idea wouldn’t work for the time being. This shows that you truly value what the worker said. Engage other workers around you in the discussion and that will also help you carry out the next tip.

Read: 6 Tips for Effective Customer Communication

4. Foster Teamwork and Collaboration

Encourage your team to work together, share knowledge and expertise, and support each other. One way to do this is to create team mentors. Those who have been working in the field for a long time could mentor a younger, more inexperienced worker. Invite your team to share what they have found to work best in different situations. Talking through some of the issues that are being faced on a particular jobsite is a great way to collaborate as a team and share ideas. This can also lead to better efficiency, productivity, and higher morale.

5. Train and Develop Skills

Invest in your team’s skills and knowledge by providing training and development opportunities. This could simply mean taking additional time to walk through particular techniques that have helped you get to where you are at. Not only will this help your team improve their skills, but it also shows that you value their professional growth. It breeds loyalty because you invested in their future.

6. Recognize and Reward Success

Celebrate your team’s successes and acknowledge their contributions. Recognizing and rewarding your team will give them a better sense of purpose and improve job satisfaction. According to recent statistics, solid team recognition programs can increase productivity by 50%. Recognition and rewards can be in the form of public praise, bonuses, or other incentives.

7. Create a Positive Work Environment

A positive work environment can come just by following the first six steps. The first six steps are all about building up your team and being a great leadership example to your team. With all of these in place, you will be well on your way to maintaining a positive work environment where people feel appreciated and proud of the work that they put out. They will also tend to show more loyalty to your business because they feel taken care of.

Building is at the core of everything that is done in the skilled trades industries. So, building a team of skilled workers is just part of retaining a team. It takes dedication and practice, just like your trade does. To retain top skilled trade talent, you need to build them to feel stronger, brighter, and more efficient.

You are the only person who can inspire your team and give them a sense of belonging, but Project 2 Payment can help you and your team glide through tasks you’re less passionate about, so the tasks don’t become stressful and take away from job satisfaction. Learn how Project 2 Payment gives you and your team time back from those manual administrative tasks that can take up a lot of your time.

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